
Robopac Systems
Automatic Pallet Wrapping

Foodmach partners with global leader in stretch wrapping, Robopac Systems, to bring you a range of quality pallet wrapping solutions.

We offer:

  • turntable,
  • rotary arm,
  • and ring style

pallet wrappers, at up to 130 pallets per hour.

We select partner technologies based on control, innovation, safety and quality – it needs to be better than anything else available and the best return on investment.

Robopac Systems Cube Technology fits our criteria perfectly.

Robopac Cube Technology™ gives you:

  • EXACTLY the required amount of film
  • EXACTLY in the correct position with
  • EXACTLY the proper containment force

As well as:

  • Reduction of costs of consumables
  • Improvement of load containment
  • Reduction of damage to the palletised load

Robopac Cube Technology

Multi-Level Variable Pre-Stretch

  • Ensures the best economy of material for all loads
  • Ensures the best economy of material for all films
  • Ensures the highest level of containment obtainable for all films
  • Assures between 30% and 55% film savings

Pallet Wrapping Pre-Stretching   

Multi-Level Variable Containment Force

  • Delivers the film with the optimal containment force at each level of the load
  • Unwinds the film with the maximum pre-stretch possible at any level of the load

Strategic Film Placement

  • Scientific approach to ultimate load containment
  • Position the film exactly where it has the greatest impact on load containment

'Protective' Corner Compensation

  • Reduction of damage in product corners
  • Improves containment on the flat sides of the load
  • Enables higher levels of containment for each revolution

Why Foodmach?

Using a Foodmach project manager to introduce new equipment to your line will guarantee you a job done well, the first time.

We'll ensure that:

Most importantly, you'll only deal with one supplier in order to accommodate the entire process.

Just ask us.

Got a question? Let's Chat
